Even in a year as overflowing with excellent RPGs as 2024 has been, Unicorn Overlord stands as one of the genre’s best outings for the year, but though the demand for more of the same will be high given the heights that Vanillaware’s tactical RPG scaled, the studio says it doesn’t have any current plans for future content to follow-up on the title.
Speaking with GamesRadar, game director Takafumi Noma thanked fans for their strong reception for Unicorn Overlord, before stating that currently, Vanillaware doesn’t have DLC or sequels planned. Noma went on to add, however, that he personally hopes to make more Unicorn Overlord content at some point in the future, whatever form that ends up taking.
“We are profoundly grateful for the sheer number of players who have embraced our vision for a new strategy RPG,” the director said. “Many of these players have expressed a wish for DLC or a sequel to the game. While there are currently no plans for further development of this nature, I definitely wouldn’t say no if it were up to me. It would be great if we could make this happen sometime down the line.”
Publisher Atlus announced earlier this year that Unicorn Overlord had sold over 1 million units, while critical reception for the title has also been nearly universally positive, so there’s certainly a chance that Vanillaware decides to capitalize on that success, even if the developer hasn’t traditionally been known to do sequels.
Meanwhile, during the interview, Noma also reiterated that there are no current plans to bring the game to PC.
Unicorn Overlord is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and Nintendo Switch.
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