hey guys, just wanted to make this post to remind not to bully or harass others, especially in such a creative community, its just not okay. I wasn’t going to make a post about any of this but atp this person just wont stop so i guess i’ll lay it all out! @rebellesims420 has been making alt accounts to try & call me out for copying her… didnt think much of it since we all kinda do the same thing, and i wasnt even sure if the person calling me out was her. come to find out, it definitely was rebelle on an alt account making a comment on almost all of my posts, reblogging my posts saying nasty things, asking her “main” account questions to call me out. then turning her alt into a “shade room” in hopes to call me out??? it became very obvious when they said “i’ve been watching your account for months” while they had just created their account 5 mins before leaving me my first message.. hm..
firstly, i want to say that that behavior is extremely toxic especially coming from such a well known creator. sims is a form of art & art is inspiring in every form. theres thousands of creators on here that do the same as me & rebelle that do NOT deserve to be harassed because they have a similar blog type the way you have harassed me. secondly rebelle, all of this talk made me go check a few things out, and heres what i found!

- I’ve started my page & have been doing the same thing since…. before you.

2. you started titling your hair cc finds “locs, braids & twists lookbook” just like my posts (i’ve never seen anyone ever call it that lmao), but instead of calling you out i just let you do ur thing! dates are all listed.

3. i made at least 5 hair look books before you even posted your first one

4. never saw you use nose shadows until months into ur work..

5. my 3rd or 4th up-do lookbook… posted before u… & how does our work look even remotely similar? i could probably name 10 other lookbook creators who i share more of a style with such as pinkishwrld & inbetweensims

6. already made 2 male lookbooks & then… i think ya’ll can already guess the rest LMAO

7. lol do they look similar to you too??? guessed right again! i posted mine a month before lol

8. made an ombre hair lookbook & then they post this on their page for download a few days after… with the same looking sim & the same cc finds… lol, talk about not getting creds.
you called me out of my name multiple times, telling me i dont give credit to creators? i GIVE credit to EVERYONE, esp where it’s due. no need to give credit to you for something i did for longer than you. matter of fact, i think you should give me more credit for MY creations because it clear your page wouldn’t run without them. it’s always the bigger creators feeding off of our littler creations claiming its the other way…
making fun of my race, saying I’m intentionally copying is preposterous. i could go on a worse rabbit hole & show the baby hairs you’ve copied & all of the other small things you’ve done like changing ur gshade, rotating ur sims although they’ve always been straight… nose shadows. those things are really just dimes & nickels to me which is why i never mentioned it. because it was never this serious to me until now after all the words you’ve chosen to say…
the only thing i can say slipped on my end was posting a similar look book to you on the same day, but as posted below you can see i took these pictures DAYS before her post was ever made. dates can be seen below. & like i said the only reason i made a kids lookbook, is because someone requested it (which is the lookbook that pushed her to make an alt lmfaooo)

i sincerely hope in the future you don’t harass other random people on tumblr over things like this bc news flash… many people do what we do.
ya’ll, if any of you are creators who have a problem with another creator, try & stay professional about it bc we are all just doing what we love. try to talk to them creator to creator, & at the end of the day a beautiful friendship might even flourish! don’t make alt accounts pretending to not be you when it clearly is. embarrassing, and will get you caught up quick. im mutuals with mostly every lookbook creator in our community, i tried multiple times to interact with rebelles posts but was met with nothing but animosity which is similar to what others have told me they went through with her. stay safe out there