
It isn’t just a sex mod! Turbo really revolutionized gameplay with this. The ability for animations to spawn objects (and some posemakers use WW for animations for this purpose). There’s an attraction system, you can position your sims to get rid of clipping when posing. There’s all sorts of things that WW contributes to the game. I may or may not be a subscriber because of this. Not ONLY do we get all of these gameplay additions, he updates regularly and frequently. Bro doesn’t play about his mods. And you know what? I like that shit. I like that you care enough to put out a product and MAINTAIN IT. Unlike the developers of the actual game its for.

Storytelling is nearly impossible without Turbo and I hope he knows that the majority of us know better and appreciate this mod enough not to fuck with the creator when new updates/packs come out.

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