Pics 1-3: My sim, Jo Morris, in Sixam collecting rocks. Pic 4: Jo trying to meet Sapphire in Sim heaven by going to put the bed down, which is exactly how Sapphire died. Pic 5: Jo finally upgrading the damn bed so they can summon Sapphire back and bring them back to life. The pop up to load into Sixam came just as Sapphire was smushed. I loaded in and she was just gone from the household. When I came back to the house there was no urn. The bed wasn't even broken. Too bad, I have an urn from when one of the other girlfriends died and came back to life, I could have started a collection. [link] [comments] |
When you finally get to Sixam and you are sad because all the plants are out of season so all you can do is collect rocks. Also maybe because your girlfriend died on your way there because you refused to upgrade your Murphy bed:
April 07, 2024